This state-of-the-art machine keeps pizzas frozen at -18°C / 0°F, extending storage from just 5 days to an incredible 6 months!
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——–More Detail————
* This advanced machine maintains -18°C / 0°F, extending pizza storage from 5 days to 6 months.
* Powerful Heating: 4000W infrared system reduces heating time from 5 minutes to 3 minutes.
* Capacity: Holds 80 pizzas with 4 to 10 flavor options.
* Durable Design: Made from 304 stainless steel with a full steel door frame and XY conveyor system. German motor ensures 500,000 cycles of durability.
* Integration: Offers a server API for sales data, inventory checks, and machine status; can integrate with your online store.
Contact Sales Manager
1. WhatsApp: https://bit.ly/46R8Bvy
2. WhatsApp number: +86 13711564690
3. Email: ethan@novaspark.ai
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